Gemma is a tenacious young woman trying out an exuberant number of activities and hobbies in her quest to find a special talent to call her own. Gemma represents the unspoken pressures and expectations that many of us put on ourselves when we are developing new skills. We often forget there is no rule that you need to be great at a hobby, only that you find joy in the activity you choose.
CHRISTINA IENNA is an award-winning cinematographer and filmmaker based in Toronto. She has an extensive background in commercial, documentary and narrative production. She also sits on the Board of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers. In her fifteen years of industry experience, Christina has filmed all over North America with companies like TOURISM CANADA, AMAZON, LIFETIME, PIXAR, CBC, THE GLOBE & MAIL, VICE and UNIVERSAL MUSIC. She spent the early part of her career working in Alberta and British Columbia before moving to Toronto. Christina leads with great curiosity, finding stories in the small moments and details that make up the human experience.